Friday, September 23, 2011

A week of relaxation.

Well, it's been a little while... whats been going on with me ?

D has been on vacation so I have been busy! we've been busy taking care of domestic stuff. Laundry, Food, picking up K and taking her to/from school...

The week has been awesome so far, I am experimenting at the moment with eating only one large meal a day, as I find I am just not hungry, now don't get me wrong I'm not letting my body stay hungry, this is not another fast. If I wake up hungry I eat. Generally I have been eating a big ass salad, mixed greens, sauteed veggies, and whatever protein source I have on hand grass fed beef in the form of burgers, Chicken, etc. As well as a different herb every meal to change the flavor oregano, basil, thyme, you get the idea.

This week as part of my Primal experience I received a (very) early Birthday gift from D and K, A copy of Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution. This book is AWESOME, if you are even considering a low carb or Primal approach you need to read this, he lays everything out in a hilarious yet intelligent way. D also treated herself to Dr. Loren Cordain's Book The Paleo Diet. I've already demolished Robb's book and look forward to borrowing Dr. Cordain's book after D is finished.

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